Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Marmalade Skies--Something To Ponder

I was listening to an audiobook called Ticket To Ride.  It had four recordings that jounalist Jean Shepherd made for broadcast on radio station WOR while he was touring with The Beatles on their Scottish/English tour in the fall of 1964.  He lived with The Beatles on tour and interviewed them for an article--a Playboy magazine interview--that was published February, 1965.
He had an interesting broadcast describing the eastern Scottish city of Dundee--which he said is world famous for MARMALADE.  He described a train trip to Dundee:  ". . . all those long marmalade-strewn miles to Dundee."
For a description of Dundee marmalade see:
Dundee hasn't figured into the Paul Replaced/Dead research before, but it may be something to explore.

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