Thursday, April 26, 2018

So You Can See The Differences Between Young Paul and Young Faul

In my posts of December 26, 2015, January 22, 2016 and December 18, 2017, I posted photos I've found of young Faul--our Paul's replacement.  I've found another one (more and more have been surfacing.)  I also found a photo of our Paul as a boy.

If you are a Beatle fan, I'm sure you've seen quite a few boyhood photos of real Paul.  My guess is his family (and probably especially his brother, Michael) got those photos out in public.  Faul himself is probably responsible for the growing number of young Faul photos surfacing.

In contrast, I have only been able to find ONE boyhood photo of our Paul which I think is curious and there is no doubt a story yet to be told about that.

So here are the photos of young Faul I've previously posted and the new one I found and the photo of young Paul I've found.

Paul is the fourth boy from the left.

Friday, April 20, 2018

The Origins Of Paul (And John)'s Little War, Part Two

Between the time of the announcement of the MBE's and the actual presenting of them--June 12, 1965 to October 26, 1965--The Beatles were invited to play before Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip in the annual Royal Variety show.  This is the same format that doomed real Paul and real John in 1963.

I want you to notice the date of the 1965 event:  November 8th.  Remember the Sgt. Pepper drumskin clue (see photo below), where people speculated whether Paul had died on September 11th., 1966 OR November 9th., 1966?
What is NOT widely reported [try Googling it] is that The Beatles
turned down the invitation to the Royal Variety Program of 1965.

I found three mentions of The Beatles' refusal:
1.)  New Musical Express of October 22, 1965 with the headline:
      "Beatles Said No to Royal Show."
2.)  New Musical Express of October 29, 1965:  "Were The Beatles
      Right to Refuse Royal Show?"
3.)  KRLABeat of November 20, 1965 that quotes Paul as saying,
      "'If we went on and those people didn't like us everyone would say "Ha, ha, The Beatles failed,
       they're on the slide.'"   But if you look at a British Movietone summary of The Beatles getting
       the MBE's on October 26, 1965, you can see Beatlemania was still rampant in England.  (See  )  Paul. I am sure, was aware of this and he
       made that excuse to royalty with wide-eyed insincerity.
So, The Beatles REFUSED to play on the Royal Variety Show.

The only video I could find on the internet of the November 8, 1965 Royal Variety Program was a comedy routine by the British comedy duo of Peter Cook and Dudley Moore.  See the video at: .  From 5:47-10:46 in the skit, they humorously discuss the artificiality of show business and how celebrities often use stand-ins and have their looks manipulated by camera trickery.  "Everything's so artificial and false . . ." Pete says at 5:44-5:46.  Was this skit a commentary on the Pauls and Johns that were in and out of The Beatles?

Where were The Beatles on the night of November 8, 1965?  They were at the Abbey Road studio working on, 1.) George Harrison's song, "Think For Yourself" and, 2.)  The group's third Christmas fan club record.

Their recording session lasted from 9PM on Monday, November 8th., 1965 to 3AM on Tuesday, NOVEMBER 9th., 1965.

Producer George Martin recorded the entire session, ostensibly because he hoped The Beatles might say humorous bits that could be used on the fan club record.

Listen to the "Think For Yourself" session on Youtube at: .

At 5:17-5:53 in the recording, John does a mini-"religious sermon" declaring at 5:26-5:30:  "And I tell you, brethren, there's more of them than there are of us."  If you couple John's "sermon" with an interview with The Beatles on October 28, 1964 that appeared in the February, 1965 issue of Playboy
magazine, you can see the origin of John's March, 1966 "Beatles bigger than Jesus" statement.

In the Playboy interview, The Beatles were declaring themselves to be agnostics "but we're not anti-Christ," according to Paul.  Paul said in that interview that "In America, they're fanatical about God."  So The Beatles were well aware that Americans took religion seriously--and, if you believe Paul--some Americans took their religion more than seriously.

If our Paul and our John felt they were next in line to be ousted from The Beatles, they, I surmise, wanted to take the group's popularity down with them.  How better than to target and destroy the loyalty of The Beatles' biggest fan base?

The other half of "Project Beatles-Undoing" was the butcher cover. 

The Beatles worked on their Christmas fan club record in two sessions:  the Abbey Road session around 2AM on November 9th., 1965 and the other session at Marquee studio in London on October 19, 1965.  At the Marquee studio session, Tony Barrow, their publicist at the time, wrote a script for them.  That session fell apart but the outtakes from the session are very interesting.  Listen to them on Youtube at: .

At 1:21-2:32 on the tape, there's an EXTREMELY sick dialog about a baby being cut up.

The person who posted the video has a photo of the butcher cover during that segment and I absolutely agree that this was the beginning of the butcher cover idea.

So let's review the timeline of Paul and John's little war:
  • Sometime in October, 1965, The Beatles refuse the invitation to appear at the Royal Variety Show.
  • October 19, 1965, the butcher cover idea is hatched.
  • November 9, 1965, the "bigger than Jesus" idea is hinted at.
  • March 4, 1966, the London Evening Standard publishes Maureen Cleave's interview of John complete with the "Beatles bigger than Jesus" statement.
  • March 25, 1966, The Beatles do the butcher cover photo session.
The war was on.  The question is:  Did Paul lose the war on November 9, 1966 that was kicked off in earnest on November 9, 1965?


Thursday, April 19, 2018

The Origins Of Paul (And John)'s Little War, Part One

When I researched the infamous butcher cover that kicked off the American Beatles' fans questioning the future of their fan loyalty to The Beatles, I found that Paul had insisted that the butcher cover be used for The Beatles' U.S. album, Yesterday and Today (see my May 29, 2010 post.)  Photographer Robert Whitaker took responsibility for the idea because--he said--The Beatles were bored with the same old straightforward photo sessions.

Whitaker's mea culpa would make sense except that I found clues in The Beatles' November 8-9, 1965 recording session that suggest otherwise and--instead--strongly hint at the war that our Paul and our John were preparing to unlease beginning March, 12, 1966.

Before going any further, remember that at the beginning of The Beatles there was a real John and a real Paul who were members of the group, at the beginning.  I believe they were removed from the group by . . . ??? [yet to be determined] when John made the famous statement at the Royal Variety Show on November 4, 1963 that people in the cheaper seats please clap and the "rest of you" just rattle your jewelry.  Royalty gasped. and real John and real Paul were O-U-T, spelled OUT..

They were replaced by our John and our Paul with nary an explanation or official change of names.

My research suggests that at sometime around the filming of Help, things started souring between our Paul and our John and whoever had the proverbial hook to pull them off the world stage into oblivion--or worse.

In my post of October 15, 2011, I mentioned an interview Paul and John had with Larry Kane, who at the time of the filming of Help was a Miami radio deejay. He interviewed them in February, 1965 in Nassau.  The interview is published in Kane's 2003 book, Ticket To Ride, and the excerpt is worth repeating because it revealed a tense, unsettled situation Paul and John were in the middle of:
     KANE:  How are you doing?
     LENNON:  Well, look, all I can say, Larry, is this thing's wide open.  Anything can happen, man.
     KANE:  Well.
     LENNON:  It's the new phrase--have you got it?
     KANE: What is this "everything can happen" business?
     McCARTNEY:  Listen--everything is wide open, anything can happen, man.  It's a new phrase which sums everything up.
Paul and John reemphasized the "new phrase" to send a message (or record for history) that their positions in the group were precarious.

After the filming of Help Paul and Jane Asher went on vacation to Portugal starting May 27, 1965.

While they were on vacation, it was announced that The Beatles were on Queen Elizabeth's "birthday list" to receive Member of The British Empire (MBE) medals.  Paul was called back a day early from his vacation--on June 11, 1965--by Brian Epstein.  (See photo of Paul holding up the London Daily Mail's front page.)
The next day--June 12th.-- the "everything is wide open, anything can happen" started happening because the television interviews of The Beatles discussing the MBE's featured a FAKE Paul.  (See the photos on the left of a Faul at the interview and our Paul immediately after getting the MBE--Clearly TWO DIFFERENT MEN.
I think our John (not a fake John) was interviewed.  But if it was our John, he looked well out of it, like he was on some heavy-duty drug. (See photo below on right.)