Tuesday, August 9, 2016

A Small Reconsideration On My Last Post

In my last post I concluded that our John's real first name was Edward.  Check my 1/31/14 post, "The Moody Blues' Message To Eddie" where I discussed the Moody Blues' backmasked comment on  Eddie and also talked about George's and John's remarks about Beatle ED and Faul's [the group's last Paul] song, "There You Are Eddie."

Well, duh, since everyone is talking about Ed and Eddie, I decided the full name must be Edward.  Upon reflection (as they say), I thought of other common full names for ED:  Edgar, Edmund, and Edwin. 

 I did a little checking in the UK FreeBMD (Birth, Marriage, Death) directory.  I searched  the common English surnames of Smith, Jones, Taylor, Johnson, and Brown for births from 1940-1945 and found, while Edward was the overwhelmingly favorite first name, a fair number of boy babies had Eddie, Edgar, Edmund (and variations), and Edwin as the first name.

So if you are doing research on our John, keep that in mind.

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