Sunday, May 8, 2016

A 1964 Telling Interview

I found a VERY interesting interview that The Beatles did at the Theatre Royal, Glasgow on April 30, 1964.  Remember our Paul and our John had just been with the group a little less than 6 months, so it's a very early, very telling interview. 
A woman interviewer talked with Paul and John, a man interviewer talked with George and Ringo.  Here is the most relevant part of the interview:

Interviewer:  (at 2:45-2:47)  Do you find any difficulty in keeping up you public image?  Just . . .
George:  (2:47-2:48)  No.
Ringo:  (2:48)  What image?
George:  (2:49-3:01)  It's our image is just . . . us, you know, as we were.  We don't try an' make an image.  It just happened.  So we don't have to keep it up, we just remain ourselves.  Don't we, Ringo?
Ringo:  (3:01-3:04)  Well, we do: [giggles] it's the other two we're worried about.   [John or Paul throws something at him.]

This half-veiled reference to the new Paul and new John would have sailed over most fans' heads, but this was a candid, off-hand acknowledgment of new members to the group.

See and hear the interview at:   

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