Monday, June 24, 2013

More On My 12/15/12 Post--Paul's Yellow Submarine?

I talked in my 12/15/12 post about L.A. radio station KRLA's fan magazine article of 1966 that hinted that our Paul was from Leeds, Yorkshire.  Close to where Paul would have grown up, they built midget submarines for use by the British Navy in World War 2 and I speculated that Paul was drawing from his childhood memories when he wrote Yellow Submarine.

I found two more images to post on the subject.
The first on the right is from the cover of the sheet music of Yellow Submarine, printed in 1966.
The top image on the right is a drawing of a British X-craft midget submarine used during World War 2.
 I speculated in several posts that Paul was hinting about things that were happening--or about to happen--in his life in that song and it was very possible that he was also alluding to memories in his childhood.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Other Voices, Part 12 (continued)

One of the lyrics from Paint It Black  is:

     I see a red door and it has been painted black.

Here is a photo of Paul's home at 7 Cavendish Avenue.  Note the front door.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Other Voices, Part 12: Paint It Black

I speculated in my April 22, 2013 post that Paul's real last name might be Black, so I started thinking about songs around the year 1966 that had the word "black" in them.  Of course, The Rolling Stones released the song Paint It Black in 1966--recorded March 6-9, 1966 and released May 7, 1966 in the US and May 13, 1966 in the UK, so I checked for backmasking in the song and I found some.

The song is on Youtube at:  .

Beginning about 2:47 in the reversed song, you can here Jagger sing something about "out."
At 3:08-3:11, you can hear:  "He was from us . . . but he's out."

If you remember the Christmas Time Is Here Again song from the Beatles' 1967 Christmas fan club record--which I believe chronicled the selection of our Paul's replacement--Ringo sings, "O-U-T spells OUT" several times in the song.

Was Mr. Black on his way out in early 1966?

Friday, June 14, 2013

Those "Other" Beatles

It's my contention that our Paul and our John never made it to the 1966 American concerts:  in 1966, we were seeing half of the Beatles that American fans came to love.  I found a Youtube video that suggests that the John that toured in 1966 was not our John.

The video is at:  .

Beginning at 1:44 in the video, the 1966 American tour John was explaining "his" comment on the "Beatles-as-more-popular-than-Jesus" controversy.  He said:
I was talking to the effect the word "Beatles" as a remote thing.  Not what I think as Beatles:  as those, those other Beatles, like other people said.  I just said they are having more, more influence on kids and things than anything else, including Jesus."
It's pretty clear that he was saying that he was not a part of those "other Beatles."  What I think happened is that our Paul and our John knew they were going to be ousted from the group and decided that if they were going to go, they were going to try to take the group down with them.  Hence the "butcher" cover, the "more popular than Jesus" statement, Paul allowing his broken tooth to be shown in the Rain and Paperback Writer videos, etc. 

The music press was scrambling to neutralize the damage, but, as original fans know, Paul's and John's efforts took their toll on The Beatles' popularity in America in 1966.  I also think that is why the music press fell over their faces to try to convince the world public that the Sgt. Pepper album was a classic (I'll print some of the gasping praise of the album in a future post).  That massive Cash Cow called The Beatles was too good of a thing to lose.