Friday, November 19, 2010

Here, There, and Everywhere

For everyone who was an original Beatles fan, you know what a thrill it was to get and play and discuss their albums.  I remember getting Revolver and poring over the tracks and, as usual, getting what the Brits call "value for money": 9 or 10 of the 11 American album tracks were excellent.

I remember originally hearing Here, There, and Everywhere and puzzling over it because it was supposed to be Paul singing lead, and it did NOT sound like Paul.

Listening to it now, I agree with my confusion as a kid:  I don't think it was Paul singing lead.  I believe it was either JOHN or George.

Listen to the track on YouTube:  and compare it with the track of For No One that was clearly Paul on the lead: .  The voices are definitely different.

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