I mentioned in my post about the "personnel changes" in The Beatles that I had found some strong hints that the real John lived, but ended up (somehow) in a wheelchair. Here are the clues.
1.) Bob Dylan recorded a song for his
Blonde on Blonde album called "4th. Time Around." The song was recorded in February, 1966 and released in May, 1966. It was supposed to be Dylan's satirical jab at John Lennon and his supposedly borrowing Dylan's songwriting rhymes and rhythms. The relevant lyrics are:
And I tried to make sense
Out of that
picture of you in your wheelchair.
- - - -
I never asked for
your crutch [
meant literally]
Now don't ask for mine. [
meant figuratively]
2.) The real John Lennon's son, Julian recorded a song called "I Don't Wanna Know" and made a video to go with it. Late in the video, it shows one of The Beatles in a wheelchair.
I think that was supposed to be his father.
3.) I described in other posts the clues in the 1978 mockumentary about The Beatles,
All You Need Is Cash. Well, another clue for us all came in the "What Became of The Rutles" segment when the commentator described the John character: "Nasty turned his back on the world, and sat for many years with his thoughts and his memories." And here is how Nasty is shown: